Monday, December 30, 2019

Just good...

Anyone who has read my blog over the years knows that each new year I choose a "word" that becomes my focus for the year. I'm no good at keeping resolutions, so having one word that becomes the focus of my year works so much better for me. 

In years past, I've chosen a variety of words and each one has proved to be perfect for that particular year. There was the year I chose the word "Hope" and that was the year that Dale lost his job when the company closed down and hope was all that carried us through. There was the year I chose the word "move" thinking it meant one thing and by the end of the year, I had moved from my teaching position at one school to a different one I had barely even heard of. 

With "words" like these in mind, I don't just choose willy-nilly. In fact, I really do try to let the words choose me. I've been pondering all this and wondering what this year's word would be when a surprising one came to mind. Not one I'd have chosen on my own, I don't think. The word is good. No, seriously. The word is "good."

Now I'm not one who is known to live my life in moderation when it comes to language or anything else. Things are "awesome" and "great" and even sometimes "audacious!" but "good" is just so..."meh". At least was my opinion until the random thoughts wheel started spinning and I thought about a Bible verse almost everyone knows. It's from Genesis when God looked at His creation and said that it was good. Every animal and plant that I can imagine and more - good? The mountains and the sea and forests and the sky filled with light and clouds and colors - good? Literally everything - good? Okay, for everything He said "very good" but still.

Maybe the word "good" is more than just good. Maybe it's time for me to stop trying to be spectacular or stupendous, or remarkable or amazing or noteworthy and simply be good. What if I live my life simply to hear my Father say, "Good"?

There are lots of other verses about being "good". The Bible is full of them! Like these:

Galatians 6:10 New International Version (NIV)

10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

2 Thessalonians 3:13 New International Version (NIV)

13 And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.
Honestly, there are probably enough verses about doing "good" that I could study a different one every day this year and still not get to them all. 
So, I guess this year's word has found me and it is "good". What about you? Have you found your word for the year...or has it found you? Whatever the word is, I'm sure it will be good.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

And I smile...

A resting face can say a lot. There are actually "funny" memes about different kinds of resting faces. Recently I looked at the resting face of an older friend and saw a frown etched deep into his brow, almost to the point of wondering what was he angry about. I know he wasn't. That was just the expression that had carved itself into his face over the years. 

You can see a lot in a resting face. Maybe that is why we are so drawn to the faces of sleeping infants. There is no worry, no stress, no anger - only peace.

I remember many, many, many years ago when I was reading one of those "Teen Beat" magazines that were so popular in the 70's about what my "teen idol" looked for in a girl. It might have been Davy Jones, or Donny Osmond, or David Cassidy - who remembers which one I was most in love with that week. But something from that article stuck with me ever since that day. Whichever "D" it was, he said he looked for a girl who had a smile on her face even when it was resting. 

Now mind you, most people do NOT have a smile on their face all the time. (Resist the temptation to go look in the mirror to see what your own resting face looks like. Or if you do, don't forget to come back and finish reading.) A resting face tends to be kind of...frowny. The only way to have a resting face with a smile is for you to have recently, as in the past couple of minutes, been smiling. 

Anyway, since I read that article as an impressionable teenager, I have become very aware of what my face is "saying." And, as I have gotten older, I find myself looking for more reasons to smile. It tends to hide some of the wrinkles time has etched into my visage. At least that's what I tell myself. 

Maybe that's one reason I like facebook. I watch a funny video or read a sweet story or one of those Christmas commercials from Folgers or Budweiser, and I find that I'm sitting there with a smile on my face. It's not some laugh out loud smile, but just a reminder that life is filled with little moments of happiness and hope...and the resulting smile feels good. 

I've had students ask me, "Why are you always smiling?" To be honest, sometimes it's so I won't cry in frustration, but mostly it's because I am blessed. There is Hope within me. To quote an old hymn, "I know Who holds the future, and He's watching over me." Shouldn't my face reflect that?

I'm not saying I always succeed with the smile, but as I get older I find I am more and more aware of what my face is doing. Since my face seems to have a mind of its own when it comes to aging, I can at least control how my wrinkles are arranged. Smiling is much better than makeup for hiding the ravages of time. And as Buddy the Elf says, I love smiling - smiling is my favorite!

Today, I hope you have moments that bring that sweet smile to your face, moments that bring the "laugh out loud" smile to your face, and moments that you find you are, for no particular reason, wearing a peaceful smile. Do whatever you need to do to find your smile. You'll be surprised at how good it makes you well as those around you. 

We could start a "smiling epidemic" that could take the next decade by storm...or at the very least leave our own lives feeling a little more hopeful. 

My story ends with a good note - perhaps one that will make you smile. My friend had a little child approach him with a hug and suddenly all the worry and frown that had been there vanished in an instant as a smile took its place. "And a little child shall lead them..."

Check your face - what is it doing right now? As for me, I'm smiling.

1 Peter 3:15
“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.”