Saturday, December 19, 2020

We're different now...

2020 has affected us all in many ways - most that don't show on the outside. I know this now.

It has made us harder - or maybe more resilient - or maybe just more able to roll with the punches.

For example - this morning I slept late (6:30) and was awakened by the dog to be let out. Okay - no problem. I need to get up, have coffee, and do some cleaning before going to get groceries.

I'm halfway through my cup of coffee when I start to smell something - something not at all pleasant.

Long story short(ish), some time last night after we'd gone to bed, one of the dogs needed to go out but being the sweet pups that they are, they didn't wake us up. Instead, he/she found a corner and relieved themself...and also underneath the Christmas tree next to the chair they always sleep in.

Whatever they had eaten did NOT agree with them and left a runny, quickly hardening mess. THEN - one of them (the boy dog) evidently stepped in said "late-night gift" while getting down from the chair and proceeded to run around the house this morning. That was what I "smelled".

Thanks to 2020, all this did not even phase me.

I just started cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning - did I mention he ran all over the house?

Now, I have a nice clean floor for the weekend and I'm fairly certain, thanks to my keen sense of smell, that I do not have covid.

On a side note: if my family HAPPENS to get me a new broom and mop for Christmas, I won't be offended.

2020 does that to a person.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash

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