Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I could have my own reality show

I wrote this post over two years ago...not really sure why I never posted it. I rediscovered it today, so here are some past random thoughts from a morning run.

Since school has been out, I've had some time to catch up on what's on daytime tv and have discovered some shows called "The Real Housewives of...." Evidently there are a number of these shows in different locals, so I figure the next logical show would be set in south Mississippi and feature me!

I could SO do one of these shows. Let me present our many similarities and I'm sure you'll agree!

On these shows, the women all go out to eat at restaurants - so do I! Of course, my idea of "eating out" usually features a happy meal or on a splurge a $5 footlong, but it's eating out all the same!

These women all have a network of friends that laugh together...I have friends! We're usually laughing about the funny things our kids do or how hilarious it is to have extra month left at the end of your money. Each of these friends is truly beautiful and amazing in their own right.

On one of these shows, there is a Countess....hey, I've got that beat! I'm a daughter of THE King!

These women are always doing "charitable" work. They like to help others "less fortunate" than themselves. Gee, since less fortunate usually means less money I'm wondering why they haven't shown up at my house to help me out! Oh wait....we're talking about why I should have a show.

The women on these shows spend lots of money on things that they "need" for their lifestyle. They spend money on shoes, purses, new outfits, au pairs, wigs, get the picture. I, too, spend money on things we need to maintain the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed - electricity, gas, food, home hair color. They eat things like caviar and steak tartar...okay, so I don't eat fish eggs or raw steak, but I can scramble a mean chicken egg and I love burgers!

These women have children - I have children! Of course their children are quite extraordinary - they know their colors by the age of 4 and do all sorts of tricks for candy. My kids can be bribed, too. Oh, and they know their colors!

These women always seem to be having a conflict with one of their "group." Guess that part leaves me out...I find that my friends are always going out of their way to help me and we LOVE it when another friend succeeds.

Finally, I've noticed that these women have real "connections" with influential people. These women delight in introducing others to the important people they know on a first name basis! They eat with them, drop their name at almost every opportunity, and generally make sure you know about their "connection". Hey, I have connections! Did I mention I am a daughter of THE KING?!? But I have to admit there is a difference. I'm afraid I don't do everything in my power to introduce others to my Father. I wonder, if I had my own reality show would anyone even know who my Father is? In my reality show, would the difference show or would the producers/editors find the clips that make me look just like everyone else?

There was once a saying, "If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict?" I hope so....but maybe I'd just look like everyone else.

I don't want a reality show....I just want to live in such a way that I stand out in the crowd. Moses stood out - he positively "glowed" after being with the King. Peter stood out - remember the servant girl who pointed him out in the crowd? Paul stood out WHEREVER he went, even when he wasn't trying!

I have been given so much more than any reality star could ever hope for...and I want the world to see. 

Hmmm. As I go into my day today, I wonder will anyone ask for my autograph? 

Matthew 5:16

The Message (MSG)
14-16 “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.

1 Peter 2:12

The Message (MSG)
11-12 Friends, this world is not your home, so don’t make yourselves cozy in it. Don’t indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices. Then they’ll be won over to God’s side and be there to join in the celebration when he arrives.

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