Thursday, May 7, 2009

Family name...

Today is the National Day of Prayer and my thoughts keep going to the verse in 2 Chronicles 7:14...especially the "my name" part. God said if His people, called by His name, humble themselves and seek His face He will hear from heaven and heal our land. It's that 'my name' part that keeps ringing in my head. You see, for me growing up, my family name was a big deal. Not that we were rich or anything, or that our name was known as a great power, but believe me, in my little area of the world my family name was pretty special.

I was a pretty good kid and I learned to work hard, but to be honest it was probably my daddy's name that opened doors for me. It wasn't that I had done anything was my dad who had paved the way. He had already paid the price with his life, and I was reaping the benefits. While Daddy didn't always give me my wants, he somehow made a way to provide for all my needs. All I had to do was ask.
Mind you, I knew better than to ask if I was being disobedient, but I also knew that if I came to him as my father...that was all I needed to do. To be honest, I didn't want to disobey. Oh, I may have done some pretty stupid things sometimes, but I remember I never wanted to disappoint Daddy...I continually looked toward his face looking for that smile that told me he was proud of me. That laugh that let me know he was happy with me. That approving nod that simply meant, "well done."

As wonderful as I thought my daddy was, I know we are promised by our heavenly father a much greater promise than my dad could ever give. God has promised if that if those of us who have the "family name" will humble ourselves and seek His face, He will hear us and heal our land. Our land really could use some healing right now. Are we willing to go home to Daddy and ask Him what we should do? Are we willing to lay down our pride and admit we can't do it on our own? Do we desire to see our Father's face and see His smile, His laugh, His approving nod? Do I desire that more than anything else?
May 7, 2009, can be just the beginning of seeking His face. For some, this will be just another day, but for those who call Him Father, this can be the first day of what becomes a National Lifetime of Prayer.

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